SEC Chairman Jay ClaytonSEC Division of Corporation Finance Director Bill HinmanSEC Chief Accountant Sagar TeotiaPCAOB Chairman William D. Duhnke III In November 2019, we met with senior representatives
It has come to the knowledge of the Institute that many members in practice are joining/associating themselves with “Networks” which are other than the Networks registered with the
Sir Donald Brydon, who is conducting a landmark review into UK audit, is “troubled” by the current mood towards auditors The former London Stock Exchange chair and veteran
Stressing the need to make evidence-based policy formulation an integral part of governance, the prime minister said auditors must resort to technical tools to iron out any chances
This will also help corporates minimise the cost of getting new auditors, say experts Large audit firms may have a cause for cheer with the Company Law Committee
Practicing Chartered Accountants are invited to fill the Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) for the year 2019-20 at . The key highlights of the MEF- 2019-20 are: Applicants registered earlier
Extension of time limit of UDIN generation from 15 days to 30 days – One Time Relaxation In response to the various representations received from Members at large