Balance 110 booths ballot boxes to be opened and tallied 1. Out of 26,032 (to be tallied) votes polled to be corroborated for Valid and Invalid votes 2.
Out of 171 Booths; so far 61 Booths are opened (ballot boxes where more than 40% of votes polled are opened) 1 KA Ballari (Booth #S009) opened and tallied
continued…. TN Madurai (Booth #S101) opened and tallied – 312 – {2 additional ballot paper were found extra and the same has been taken for counting – no additional
Out of 32 (satellite ballot boxes) + 438 (ballot boxes); 20 satellite ballot boxes are opened and tallied with voted polled. Remaining 12 + 438 ballot boxes are yet to be
Satellite Polling Booth refers to any of the 171 Polling Booths in Southern Region where the members of other region may exercise his/her voting rights by casting vote