Tamil Nadu police today arrested three people for running a duplicate branch of State Bank of India (SBI). Among the three people, one was the son of former bank employees.
The central probe agency has charged Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Ltd and its promoters by an order issued by the adjudicating authority of the Foreign Exchange Management
Over the years, we have periodically reported of the occasional gold bar discovered as counterfeit in Manhattan’s Diamond District which instead of containing the yellow precious metal would be filled with
Auditors say the 1.9 billion euros that were supposedly sitting in trust accounts in the Philippines likely do not exist. In what could be one of the biggest
A 45-year-old woman from China reportedly cheated insurance companies of Rs 3.2 crore between 2015 and 2019. She did so by buying insurance on flights that she predicts
Central Crime Branch (CCB) detected a cheating case by the Ola drivers who cheated the startup of lakhs of rupees The drivers downloaded Mock Locations (fake GPS path)
In a detailed affidavit filed before the Bombay High Court on Tuesday, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has virtually admitted that it was ‘cheated’ by the management
The Punjab and Haryana High Court had observed that, Arrest of Chartered Accountant or Advocates who had filed Returns or Otherwise Assisted in Business but are not beneficiary
Security and privacy, whether its related to data or finances, has always been vulnerable to hostile sources. Every now and then, you may see one report or another
Insider fraud rocked Goldman Sachs, the leading global investment banking company, with a vice-president in the company’s Bengaluru office being charged with siphoning off US $5.4 million (around