Invitation for empanelment as Examiners for Chartered Accountants Examinations
|Applications are invited from eligible members of the Institute and other professionals including academicians of reputed educational institutions, tax and legal practitioners etc., having a flair for academic activities including evaluation of answer books and willing to undertake confidential assignments as a dedicated examiner, for empanelment as examiner in respect of the following papers of the Chartered Accountants Examinations.
Steps to become an ICAI Examiner
Step 1: Apply for examinership at
Step 2: Send signed application form along with photograph and requisite documents
Step 3: Appear for examiners test which has been divided into two parts whereby Part A shall be MCQ of 30 minutes comprising of 25 questions of 25 marks and Part B shall be Test of digital evaluation of 05 sample answer copies comprising of 25 marks. The test will be duration of two and a half hour and it will be Computer based qualifying tests.
Step 4: Pass both the tests and empanel as an examiner.
Application for empanelment as examiner can be made online at