Mandatory updation of UDINs in all Income Tax Forms at e-filing Portal – (12-05-2021)
|UDIN Directorate
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
12th May, 2021
Mandatory updation of UDINs in all Income Tax Forms at e-filing Portal
Members are aware that the CBDT vide its press release dated 26th November 2020 has mandated the validation of the Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) generated from ICAI portal in all the Income Tax Form and Audit Reports uploaded at the e-filing portal.
We have been given to understand that CBDT is in process of mandating the updation of UDINs for all IT Forms prior to its upload on the e-filing portal by the members. In other words, members would be required to first generate UDIN and provide the same while uploading the IT forms.
Further, CBDT has given the extension for updating UDINs for all the IT forms at the e-filing portal till 30th June, 2021.
In view of the above, the members are requested to avail this opportunity and update the UDINs on the e-filing Portal at the earliest but not later than 30th June, 2021 to avoid likely invalidation.
For detailed FAQs please click here
For any clarification, please write us at
UDIN Directorate
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